Exceptional Wedding Series XIII

Once I moved to Cincinnati and decided to pursue wedding photography full time, I started a new blog series showing some of my favorite things from each of the weddings I photographed. Since I love to focus on creating a unique wedding experience for each of my couples and pride myself on sharing their personalities in my photos, this blog series has been a great way for me to showcase these unique details. I am sharing something specific that stood out to me from each wedding which I thought was special to the couple. Lauren & AJ had a globe guest book that I thought was so unique and creative. I asked Lauren a few questions below on where they got this idea from!


Where did you get the idea to have a globe guest book?

 Both AJ and I wanted to find a guest book idea that wouldn't just be put in storage and never displayed in our home. We actually came up with this idea when my aunt had a globe displayed in her living room with pins where she had traveled and thought this would be an awesome guest book idea. 

Why did you decide to have the globe guest book for your wedding?

 We have always loved traveling and both AJ and I had a lot of family and friends that have traveled all over the world. We thought this would be an awesome opportunity to have our guests sign a place they have traveled to or would like to travel to in the world to give us ideas/recommendations. 

Where is the globe currently displayed, and how special is this for you?

The globe is currently displayed in our living room. We have loved having it displayed here because it is a great conversation piece when we have guests over and also is a reminder of our incredible family and friends that were able to celebrate our special day with us. We hope to visit many of the recommended destinations over the next couple years!